Dr. Spuza-Milord, M.D., F.A.C.R.
Dr. Michelle Spuza-Milord is a Rheumatologist. She was board certified in Internal Medicine in 1991 and has been practicing in her subspecialty of Rheumatology since her return back to St. Petersburg in 1991.
Dr. Spuza-Milord completed her residency in Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA in 1989, and her fellowship in Rheumatology at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1991, with training in both adult and pediatric rheumatology.
Spuza-Milord has more than 33 years of experience in the diagnosing and treatment of rheumatologic problems and a variety of inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism, and related disabling and potentially fatal disorders of the joints, muscles, bones and connective tissues.
Dr. Spuza-Milord completed her residency in Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA in 1989, and her fellowship in Rheumatology at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1991, with training in both adult and pediatric rheumatology.
Spuza-Milord has more than 33 years of experience in the diagnosing and treatment of rheumatologic problems and a variety of inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism, and related disabling and potentially fatal disorders of the joints, muscles, bones and connective tissues.

Dr. Spuza-Milord
Titles and Memberships:
- American College of Rheumatology
- American College of Physicians
- College of International Physicians
- Society of Addictive Medicine
- American Society of Internal Medicine
- Osteoporosis Society
- United Rheumatology
- Florida Society of Rheumatology